Executive Magazine Infographics
Executive Magazine is an independent monthly business publication that covers business, economics and politics in Lebanon.
I have worked regularly with Executive since 2016 to develop charts and infographics to supplement the topics that they cover, from politics and elections to fruit and vegetable exports.
Comparing the level of female representation in parliaments around the world.
Mapping private tourist resorts and public beaches along the Lebanese coast.
Fruit and vegetable exports as a proportion of all exports, and by destination country.
Mapping the change in voting districts in Lebanon between the 2009 and 2018 elections.
Mapping the sectarian breakdown of parliamentary seats, and the relative level of representation per district.
Visualizing selected data on Lebanese public health sector.
A timeline of Lebanese governments since the end of the civil war.
Visualizing "national wealth" data from the World Bank.
Mapping Zomato data on food and beverage establishments in Beirut and Mount Lebanon.