DOX BOX Mapping Arab Documentary Film
A series of data spreads produced for the 2018 publication Data is Beautiful: Mapping the Arab Documentary Landscape by DOX BOX.
I worked from the raw data to develop a series of narrative-based data visualizations to offer insights into the state of Arab documentary filmmaking based on DOX BOX’s extensive survey of 200 films and over 100 organizations. The visuals were produced in English, Arabic, German and French, and adapted for both printed spreads and slideshow presentations.
200 "flowers" visualizing data on each one of the surveyed films.
Alluvial diagram showing the responses of organizations contacted in the survey.
Alluvial diagram showing proportion of filmmakers with formal training by country and decade of birth.
Matrix of histograms showing the prevalence of film topics by country.
Alluvial diagram showing the prevalence of female filmmakers by nationality and by role.
Maxtrix of historgrams showing the prevalence of award winning films by country.
Alluvial diagram showing connections between directors, financing and country of premiere.
Custom world map (logarithmic azimuthal projection) showing where films premiere.
Network diagram (force layout) showing collaborations between filmmakers by nationality.
Custom map (azimuthal equal area projection) showing where the films where shot.
Timeline (gantt chart-style) showing the development over time of organizations supporting Arab documentary filmmaking.
Five-leaf Venn diagram showing people credited in multiple roles on a single film.